15 Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption at Home Starting Today

Did you know that the average household utility bill is about 400$ a month with electricity taking up almost one-third of that amount? By wasting energy, you also waste your hard-earned money.

But you can minimize electric bills with simple tricks without sacrificing your comfort or making any serious investments. Let’s have a look at how to lessen your electricity bill, starting today!

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Let’s face it- if you want to see less money and electricity wasted, you gave to rethink the energy consumption of your home. And the way to do it is much more simple than you may think.

Below, I’m sharing my saving tips with you. Just by following these, you can already massively decrease your electricity bill, and we’re not even talking about any serious investments here (solar panels can do a lot, but let’s save that for another day).

I’ll be honest with you; you’ll find some of these strange (so did I), but once they turn into a routine, saving energy becomes a whole lot easier! Then you’ll be able to spend your hard-earned money on things that are truly important to you instead of wasting money on electricity bills!

Average energy consumption:

According to statistics, this is how the general electrical energy consumption is divided in an average household:

  • 47% Heating and Cooling
  • 14% Water Heater
  • 13% Washer and Dryer
  • 12% Lighting
  • 10% Kitchen Appliances
  • 4% Electronics

By taking small steps, you can make big differences. Let’s have a look at what can you do for your home

How can you reduce energy consumption at home?

  1. Turn off all the lights you don’t need and turn them off when you leave the room. This one’s just too obvious, but you’d be surprised how difficult it is to get used to it. I still fail at this miserably sometimes, as my wife loves to remind me.
  2. Take short showers, avoid taking baths. Hot water is expensive and this one can help you make a difference too. I’ll admit, it’s tricky with three young kids, but we manage to keep it balanced.
  3. Keep air conditioning regularly serviced; that way it’ll run smoothly at all times and use less energy
  4. Turn the water off when you’re washing hair, shaving, or brushing teeth. You can save a lot with this little trick (tested!). Plus, we’re wasting less water, too!
  5. Use dimmers to adjust the lightning to your need throughout the day; you’ll save energy and make your home feel cozier. Also, make the most of natural light instead of turning on the lights in the house.
  6. Use solar-powered lights on the patio – these can illuminate your sitting area or provide strong light when you need it
  7. Make use of solar attic fans to improve circulation and lower the temperature in the attic
  8. Fix, seal, and cover any leaks in the house, improve window and door insulation and prevent any unnecessary energy loss (cooling in summer, heating in winter). You can’t imagine the difference that insulation does to your electricity bill.  Consider double-glazed windows if you live in a cooler climate to prevent any heat loss
  9. Unplug electronics and appliances you’re not using to avoid that vampire power loss both overnight and when you’re not at home (air-conditioning, computers, TV, etc.)
  10. Avoid using the oven during summer months to minimize home-cooling costs. Instead, set up a barbecue on the patio; your house won’t get hotter and you’ll use less energy while cooking. Plus, a summer BBQ is a perfect way to relax in the evening or during the weekends.
  11. Reconsider how you do your laundry; fill the load every time, wash on cold water whenever you can; both will help you save water and energy
  12. Hang-dry your clothes instead of using a drier. I know it seems unusual, but give it a try, you’ll notice a difference. We love this option in the summer, but a drier is still a must in the winter)
  13. Use blinds and curtains in the summer to prevent your home from getting hotter, but leave them open in the winter to let the sun in. Consider investing in thermal curtains, especially if your home gets a lot of sunshine.
  14. Spend more time outside when you can
  15. Keep your fridge and freezer at ideal temperatures

Conclusion: electricity – saving ideas for the home

If you’re new to energy-saving ideas, some of these will surely seem overwhelming or even over the top. I used to feel the same way about some (thermal curtains, seriously?), but don’t worry. You don’t have to start making all these changes right away.

Start with what you’re comfortable with, and with time you’ll surely move further down the list. What’s more, you’ll probably discover more innovative ways to not only save money but help out the environment as well!


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